Roadmap to top talent map
Roadmap to top talent map

Roadmap to Finding Top Talent

Find the right people to fit your culture today and adapt for the challenges of tomorrow

For any business trying to navigate their way through the challenges of the modern business world, it is imperative that companies can attract and retain individuals that have the right skillset and mindset to not only complement the existing culture but also have the ability to contribute to the challenges ahead.

Partnering with you on a retained basis allows us to understand the intricacies of your business, your people, your challenges and your objectives, and allows us to manage the process on your behalf outside of your day-to-day business.

​Using some of the best tools in the industry, including state of the art recruitment technology, psychometric assessments and success profiles will show you what the best looks like in every role. Industry connections and a vast talent network as well as modern search & selection techniques are used to find top talent quickly, then our aim is to get them engaged with your vision and goals.

You’ll then be delivered only high-calibre applicants who have what it takes to succeed and get ahead in your sector.

This is not just for one off recruitment, but for a full partnership that allows us to create a pool of leaders that are right for the successes and challenges that your business has to come. To understand more of our robust methodology, view our 7-point process below.

If you're ready to elevate your senior recruitment strategy above that of your competitors, get in touch today on


​Your time is valuable, so using our robust 7-point methodology allows you to be confident that we are taking care of the process for you and delivering what you need. This is what sets us apart.

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The first part in any journey to building a strong leadership team is to understand the strengths and areas of development, the personalities, the aspirations and the values behind each of the individuals. Only then can you truly understand what is required of your next leader to ensure your business achieves growth and positive change. Our evaluation programme uses Thomas International Behavioural Assessment with your existing team to recognise where your business requires change.



Here you will get to understand the ATA Search team working on your behalf. A detailed review of the individual you require, the type of expertise and leadership qualities you need and the impact this position will have within your business. You'll be given a full proposal, service level agreement and a comprehensive project plan so you are clear on the investment required ensuring you understand the full process and timelines to hire your next business leader. Our fact finding mission starts here to gain a full understanding of your business, the challenges, strategic objectives, the market place and even your competitors to ensure that your next leader is ready for the challenge ahead.



Market research will be conducted and fed back to you and your team so that you understand how the market is evolving and so we meet all of your expectations. Our initial steps begin to headhunt and identify clear target leaders in our network and through market knowledge and contacts, we begin conversations with key individuals with full discretion.



​This is where the fun begins, a thorough assessment of each applicant will take place to identify the technical capabilities, leadership competencies, motivations behind the candidate and what they will bring to your organisation. Full evaluations are completed and psychometric assessments using the world renowned Thomas International take place. We have a standing within the Engineering and Manufacturing sectors that is hard to surpass, people trust us through this tried and tested approach.



From here we start to introduce you to our selection of those that are the 'right fit' for your business. Every business has its own methods so we will engage in your own internal interview process. The team is on hand to guide and support, from helping you with your selection of interviewees, advising on the best questions to ask to get the most from your time with the candidate, to attending the interviews as a third party mediator who can give you unbiased feedback. Whatever suits you, your process and your business, we are here to help.



Once you are in a position to make an offer, our team will help manage the negotiation whilst mitigating any risk related to counter offers. This is a key area and one that needs expertise, balance and empathy. You want to offer the best package to secure your potential new leader, so we take up the discussions on your behalf to guarantee a successful conclusion for all parties.



Our involvement doesn’t stop at offer acceptance. It is important to us that you and your leadership team are comfortable and working well, so we will contact you for post placement feedback over a period of 6 months. This will allow you to let us know of anything we can do to support you and your new hire - we are here to help.