ATA Search
Bring science and substance to your senior selection process
Businesses need leaders that will inspire others, create focused teams, and deliver results in the role to take your business to the next level.
That means recruiting at the most senior levels in businesses provides companies with the challenge of not only finding the right experience and skillset but also the right personality, character, and attributes to ensure they can deliver effective change in their role.
Psychometric assessments are an invaluable recruitment tool that highlights an individual's behaviour, aptitude, emotional intelligence, and workplace personality. It is no wonder that over 75% of The Times’ Top 100 Companies use psychometric testing alongside traditional recruitment methods (Thomas), indicating a strong preference for these assessments in high-stakes hiring decisions.
The benefits are clear:
Companies that utilise psychometric testing report a 24% improvement in their recruitment selection process (Hire Thinking).
Psychometric tests are known to reduce the time taken to recruit new hires by up to 30% (Hire Thinking).
They are effective in decreasing staff turnover by an average of 20% (Hire Thinking).
Approximately 81% of organisations believe that psychometric assessments help mitigate unconscious biases in the recruitment process (Tazio).
Help identify areas where new hires might need additional support throughout the onboarding process, setting them up for long-term success within the organisation (Tazio).
They also play an instrumental part in the consultation process. The assessments enable businesses to be in a much stronger position to be able to recruit, retain and develop the next generation of leaders within any organisation. Keen to understand a more general view of psychometric assessments, ATA Search conducted a survey of a large selection of companies for a broad range of opinions.
Within our own network of business leaders:
Of those that used psychometrics regularly, 89% said they were an important part of the recruitment process or a key guide to the candidate’s suitability for the role
75% of clients who use assessments tools said they would specifically use them for Senior Management, Director and Executive level hires
Overall, most regular users said they would agree or strongly agree that the results of the assessments were accurate. Many clients who responded felt the assessments helped them see past false impressions at interviews and to identify character traits that they could not from a regular interview.
Given the ever-changing landscape of the recruitment world, whilst there has been an increasing trend for businesses to include psychometric assessments in their recruitment process, there does still appear to be a considerable proportion of the market that would benefit from using them.
Is it time for your business to consider psychometric assessments as part of your selection process and bring the science to allow you to hire the right individual that fits your business and team?
As fully trained Thomas Practitioners, ATA Search can show you how psychometric assessments will add value to your existing recruitment processes. If you would like to know more or should you have any broad questions about what they are and how they work, then please contact Stewart Jackson on or 07827 918 324 who would be happy to discuss further.